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50 Backers!

We hit 50 backers!  Thank you so much!  I hope everyone is staying safe and indoors.  

It has been drizzly here so I haven’t done much bee work. It has been a few days of cleaning and organizing, playing in the kitchen, watching the news, and as a bonus found all the episodes of Buck Rogers in the 25th century.  Brings back some childhood memories.

I have found a tin manufacturer to make what I want.  Of course they are shut down, but excited about creating our packaging when we get through this crisis.

On a happy note, my daughter has received two full scholarships to two different law schools. She is going to do environmental law. Makes her farmer of a dad proud. Pretty impressive for a 21 year old.  As of right now she is working her butt off at Kroger.  So be kind to your grocery workers.  They are our heros who don’t wear capes.

Yesterday I gave all of our samples away to medical workers.  Hopefully a bit of a lift to their day.  I have great respect for what they are doing.  Their hardest times are coming soon here in my state. 

So, once again, be safe.  Reach out to friends and loved ones.  It will make their day.


George Hatchell

Beekeeper, Chocolatier, Photographer, Hiker, Camper, Dad