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January Contest – A Logic Puzzle

Everyone is loving the small logic puzzle I posted for my 50th Birthday. So I decided to have some more fun.

First person to solve this puzzle will receive a care package full of honey, chocolate, and spicy honey. Each additional person who gets it right will receive a $10 coupon.

My contest, my rules, so if there is a false positive answer, only the answer I am looking for counts.

Good Luck!

Nine bees living in a hive are having a discussion late one winter night. Try an figure out their favorite things and the math puzzle at the bottom.

  • The Bees: Alfie, Bobbie, Catty, Danny, Edith, Franny, George, Heather, Ingrid
  • The Flowers: Apple, Blackberry, Blueberry, Buckwheat, Clover, Golden Rod, Orange Blossom, Raspberry, Tupelo
  • The States: California, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, New York, South Dakota, Virginia, Vermont
  • Fav Color: Blue, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Orange, Red, Violet, White, Yellow
  • Fav Cars: Chevy, Citroën, Ford, Humvee, Jeep, Kia, Oldsmobile, Peugeot, Toyota
  • Fav Music to listen to: Al Greene, BeeGees, Bill Withers, Blondie, Ray Charles, Radiohead, Tears for Fears, Wham, Whitlams
  • Honey Made(LBS): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Fav Sport: Baseball, Fencing, Football, Rugby, Sky Diving, Soccer, Track, Video Games, Yoga
  • Fav Drink: Cocoa, Coffee, Cranberry, Grape Juice, Milk, Orange Juice, Soda, Tea, Water
  1. Alfie loves the wild raspberry flowers in Maine, but not a fan of Al Greene. He collected the least amount of honey.
  2. The bee who’s favorite flower is Blueberries in Virginia, doesn’t like Wham
  3. The bee who loves goldenrod flowers, drives a humvee, which is red, their favorite color.
  4. Heather Loves Tupelo Trees but no Wham
  5. Catty loves Al Greene, Green Clover, her green Chevy. Guess what her fav color is?
  6. The bee who made 2 pounds of honey loves Yoga and Cranberry Juice.
  7. The bee who loves blackberry flowers favorite drink is tea. It did not collect more than 5 pounds of honey.
  8. The bee who loves South Dakota, loves baseball and Bill Withers.
  9. The Bee who loves blue, collected 9 pounds of honey in the fall and then went skydiving.
  10. Bobbie likes Fords and Football. He does not like juices.
  11. The bee who loves Florida, loves Cranberry Juice.
  12. Franny loves the buckwheat flower, and visiting California to pollinate Almonds. She loves her French car.
  13. The bee who drives the Oldsmobile, loves Tupelo and Tears for Fears.
  14. The bee that drinks milk, loves video games collected 7 lbs of honey.
  15. The bee who loves Rugby loves Orange Juice, and collected 8LBs of honey.
  16. The bee who drinks Soda, runs track and doesn’t like musicians with a “B” in their name.
  17. The Peugeot driver likes Magenta, and Ray Charles. Coffee fuels their energy.
  18. Edith loves orange blossoms, but not french or American Cars
  19. The bee who likes cocoa loves the apples trees in Vermont
  20. The Bee who collected 5lbs loves Blondie and New York.
  21. Dannys favorite time of year is pollinating Virginia blueberries. His favorite color is Orange though.
  22. The baseball bee, likes grape juice and drives a kia. They did not collect more than 3 pounds of honey.
  23. George likes Apple Tree flowers and collect more than 7lbs of honey
  24. Alfi thinks his coffee is the best as he plays his sport on cold fall mornings. He does not like fencing.
  25. The Michigan loving bee loves white, and their white fencing suit.
  26. Catty does not drink cranberry juice
  27. The chevy driver does not drink OJ or milk. They collect 4 lbs of honey
  28. The be who loves California did not collect 8 lbs of honey
  29. Ingrid loves the Whitlams from Australia.
  30. Bobbie likes Cyan, Edith does not like violet
  31. Franny likes to listen to the BeeGees, Danny converted the name on his truck to just say “YO” on the tailgate.

OK, for the final answer, use the pounds of honey collected:

Alfie + Ingrid – George – Bobbie + Catty + Danny – Edith + Franny + Heather =

George Hatchell

Beekeeper, Chocolatier, Photographer, Hiker, Camper, Dad